What hornady neck bushing to use??
Hi all. Just wondered if some clever soul could help me out with a reloading problem.
I have just started reloading my new T3 stainless varmint 1:8 in .223 rem & bought a Hornady “New Dimension Match Grade full length sizer die for it. Upon their advice, I also got a 0.246” bushing for it and set about sizing a couple of dozen cases. When I tried to chamber these cases (unloaded) into my rifle the bolt was pretty hard to close at the last 3 or 4 mm and when I took the cases back out I tried to rest a variety of bullets onto the case necks and the bullets almost fell into the cases as there was so little tension.
So, can anyone tell me if I need to go down a size in bushing, like a 0.244″ or even a o.242″ (a bit tight I think) does this sound about right? I don't know if it makes a difference, but I'm using a Forster coax press and I have the die right down onto the shell holder.
Thanks for any help guys.
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