T3X 300WM and 7mm Rem Mag Twist Rates
Maybe someone can shed some light on Tikka's twist rtes for me. I've been looking at two different chamberings in a Tikka Varmint but both rifles seem to have somewhat unorthodox twist rates.
1. 300 Win Mag 1:11 – Based on my reading, and not experience, you need a 1:10 to stabilize a wide range projectiles. I would expect to only get stability out of lighter weight bullets (increased stability at higher temps and altitudes)
2. 7mm Rem Mag 1:9.5 – Based on my reading, and not experience, you need a 1:9 or 1:9.25 to stabilize a wide range projectiles. I would expect to only get stability out of lighter weight bullets (increased stability at higher temps and altitudes)
The other concern I have is the Tikka Varmints come in a 23.7″ barrel, (the T3x Lite is in a 24.3″ barrel) where others (websites) seem to suggest that a 26″ is required for no velocity sacrifice) so what kind of muzzle velocity am I going to sacrifice with the 23.7″ barrel?
I absolutely love the Tikka product (I currently own two T3X Lite models in 30-06 and 6.5CM) so I am not knocking them at all but more looking for others experience and knowledge on this. I am not a reloader so would be limited to factory ammo. I want to ensure that I don't purchase something without fully understanding what I am buying and it's potential limitations.
So I guess my questions are:
Which is the overall better chambering based on twist rate, barrel length and muzzle velocity/stability?Thanks
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