Seized 595 firing pin assembly
Hi I'm new to the forum and I have a Tikka 595 Continental varmint in .223 that has suddenly had the firing pin assembly become locked up/seized in the bolt. This happened while shooting my tried and proven medium pressure reloads that I have been shooting out of it for years. Once in a while I have a few instances when these loads make the bolt a little bit stiffer than factory ammo to close ( but never stiff to open after the shot) but they always shoot very well and I've never had an issue.
When I tried to disassemble the bolt using the standard process, I found that the cylindrical guide portion that the pin slides thru and also has the flat on it to locate the bolt handle is now seized in the bolt bore and will not rotate or slide in or out. I have no idea why this has happened and have no way of getting this assembly to become dislodged.
Any advice as to why this has happened and help on how to remedy it would be greatly appreciated.
There are no signs of pressure with any of these loads and they have all been full length sized and trimmed.
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