Please meet "Chief Vom Burdock"…For all you Dog guys…
Just thought I would introduce you guys to the new hunting companion…Just meet him for the first time this past weekend and we get to pick him up the first week of May. I'm super stoked to have a dog in the house again.
Recently lost a yellow lab (due to age) and a Great Dane Doberman cross (heart condition) all in the same terrible year last year. This guy will fill a big void left in the house and make the hunting season all that much more enjoyable.
He's a “Deutsch Drahthaar”….I love the bred and wanted one for sometime but very hard to get on a breeders list in Canada…I ended up meeting someone who knew a guy, and that guy knew a breeder and the rest is history. Very lucky to get moved up the list of 2 years (thats about the wait time) and so happy to work with the breeder.
Chief will start his pointing / retrieving and blood track training after he's home for a few weeks.
He should eventually look like the adult male picture attached. Its amazing what these dogs can do, incredible to watch them work in the field, absolutely fearless dogs.Cheers.
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