Newbie with t3 lite story
Newbie here.8 years ago I bought a t3 lite as I had some youths who were interested in deer hunting,ranging in ages of 13 to 8 years.I decided on a 7mm-08 instead of the .243 because of bullet weight, as 140 gr would help shooter error over 100 gr.Well for 7 years I introduced 7 different kids to deer hunting all of them using the t3.Happy to say all were successful in their hunts.Last year I used the rifle for my self and enjoyed success.5 of those kids liked the tikka so well they have purchased the t3 lite for their own rifle.We never experienced any failures or problems with it through all the use the rifle went through.I really like it it shoots sub moa and the action is smooth.I've read of people complaining about the poly trigger guard and poly bolt cover,not to mention the poly magazine,but have never heard of any failures of them, let them whine.Now I see the t3x is being released,gonna look at them and probably will get one.
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