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New T3X Super Varmint 6.5×55
Posted by Sir Ville on November 25, 2016 at 2:28 pmBreak-in on the new 6.5 in blister. damp and cold. A shitty job but someone's gotta do it …
Sir Ville replied 8 years ago 4 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
66 Bullseyes
Excellent! How far along are you with break-in? It doesn't look like the water is frozen. I was out on the range this morning in 18 degree weather. It was a bit chilly.
6 Bullseyes
Not frozen but Malmoe (a City in Sweden) where the range is located is by the Sea and it´s Always windy as hell. That day it was around 4-5 degrees centigrade (don´t know what that adds to in your weird Fahrenheit-based system ;D ) and the chilly winds didn´t make it any better.
I just made the 10 first shots that day (cleaning between every shot,of course) Before i froze my nuts of and called it quits. I use mildly loaded Norma Recruit ammo (100gr bullet) for break-in and will go over to handloaded stuff after.
My both T3´s are identical: Super Varmint (1x .223 & 1x 6.5×55) with 600mm barrel, bedded GRS Berserk stock and factory set-trigger. Sweet rifles ! -
21 Bullseyes
Nice work up
I just shot my first deer with my 6.5×55 in North Dakota
I will post pic in a few minI hav some problems pic wise
Working on it -
6 Bullseyes
A great caliber indeed. Exceptional ballistics and inherently accurate , that old Swede … 🙂
1 Bullseye
I wish we could get this rifle in the US. I am looking at buying a brand new T3/T3x and then spending another $625 right off the bat to have it rebarreled to 6.5×55 in lt varmint or similar. Hard pill to swallow knowing they are available just a plane ride away.
21 Bullseyes
I got my 6.5×55 here (Kjergaard in MN) (sp?)
This is my fav rifle – it's a Tikka Sporter that I put in a Berserk stock.
Love it and got my last deer with it. -
1 Bullseye
I know we can get the 6.5×55 but I was hoping to find the one that came with the varmint barrel so I don't have to put a new barrel on it. This is more of a target rifle so I want the heavier barrel.
6 Bullseyes
I know we can get the 6.5×55 but I was hoping to find the one that came with the varmint barrel so I don't have to put a new barrel on it. This is more of a target rifle so I want the heavier barrel.
The 6.5 “Swede” is a marvellous target caliber. And good enough for pretty big game too.
The problem is that most Americans associate the cal with old Krag Jörgensen rifles that don´t stand up enough pressure to get the long (for its diam) bullet upto the proper speed.
Well – the modern rifles chambered to that caliber do that, easily, and due its sovereign ballistics the cal is widely used in Scandinavia (and Northern Europé) for LR shooting competitions. -
6 Bullseyes
Done some break-in and now the bugger is about as broken in it ever will. Used factory loaded Norma Golden Target 130gr for the procedure and although somewhat light bullet for this gun it groups at under 25mm /1″ at 200 meters already. Looks good !
I'll go over to hand loaded Lapua Scenar L in 136 & 139 gr and start testing.
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