Just got a T3x 6.5 Creedmoor for $500
I know I was waiting to get a 300 WM
But after hearing from dogtown I was not as keen on the round even though I am still liking the old reliable. My main reason for shifting my priority was a recent sale on T3x’s on an online vendor for $499. I could not pass that up and I had a Savage creedmoore that I didn’t like since I had so much stuff for Tikkas. And I didn’t want to pay for a tac a-1
So I got a stainless T3x for $530 or so with shipping and transfer and plan to have it threaded for my suppressor ASAP.
I won a free trigger spring from mountain tac when I ordered the pic rail so I’m super happy!
I also took advantage of Berretta’s sale on vertical grip and it is very useful.
I see this as my primary deer gun next year.
Good shooting folks
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