Infuriating plastic base screw plugs
Bought a T3X Superlight in 6.5CM two months ago. I’ve always shot Savages, but got tired of having to do upgrades on rifles out of the box to get minimal function (swapping out extractors/ejectors, etc).
I had a good time screaming at the gun while trying to get out the plastic filler “screws” Tikka uses to protect the threads where you’d mount a base. I eventually took to the internet where multiple people had posted rants about this and were told to use a punch and push the things out. Did that and it worked. Still thought it was a stupid move on Tikka’s part.
Fast forward to today. Got another T3X in 7mm. Used the punch to push the plastic plugs out. 3 out of 4 come out fine. The last one the plastic is so soft the punch makes a hole straight through it. I now can see daylight through the hole, but the threads are filled with soft plastic from the plug that I have no clue how to get out. Also concerned my efforts to do so might compromise the threads in some way.
Anyone had this issue? Any ideas?
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