First Turkey!
Hey Boys,
Got my first Turkey a week ago. Unbelievable story actually, all luck!
– Wrote my Turkey exam last Saturday morning…
– Bought my Turkey license later that evening…
– Drove up to a buddy's cottage Saturday night to hunt Sunday morning…– Drove around for 2 hours in the morning scouting areas…no visible birds.
– Starting calling in a wooded area that was supposed to hold birds, had what seemed like 2 or 3 Tom's gobbling and coming in…
– Then a kid on a motor bike drove through our setup next to a Hyro-line…we stood up with our guns and he almost shit his pants!
– Called it quits right then because it started to rain pretty bad.
– Went back out to the same spot at 4pm and made a 45-50yrd shot on this 25lb Tom at 4:15…Not happy with the distance on the shot, was hoping to be able to call one in closer but he was pretty hesitate, once he started to retreat back into the bush I pulled the trigger…TOTAL hunting time just under 4 hours…Can't believe I was so lucky the first time out.
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