Brand New Tikka T3 issues
Hello all. I'm quite new to the forum seeing as I've just purchased a brand new t3 forest in 7mm-08.
I'm here because I have some concerns. They are slight but also worrisome.
1.) bolt throw is excessively loose all the way from stop to locked. When locked, bolt still has slight movement. Bolt movement is nearly 1/8th of an inch both up and down and left and right. This tightens up to about a 16th when the bolt is nearly closed. Also this is sans any ammunition or snap caps.
2.) bolt throw isn't glass smooth. I think this might be due to the aforementioned slop when applying off axis pressure to bolt handle.
3.) Only after I was trying to diagnose the smoothness and tolerance issues did I realize that there is what appears to be pitting on the forward slanted face of one of the bolt lugs. Is there a nickel or stainless finish on the bolt? Is it possible that the finish is flaking off? I will try and attach a photo for clarification.
If after hearing from some of you I'm not satisfied that these aren't manufacturing defects, which route should I take? I have 15 days to return/exchange the item or I could try and reach out to Tikka/Beretta about warranty repair/replacement. I'm leaning towards returning/exchanging.
Thank you for your help!
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