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barrel upgrade on t3
Posted by jssyjames on January 14, 2017 at 2:33 amhi to the site..i own a t3 lite in 7mm 08..wondering if its possible to put a match grade type barrel on it without to much trouble and who sells them?
Pvt.Donut replied 8 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
Good question, I was hoping somebody “in the know” would have chimed in by now, as I have the same question. I believe quite a few guys have used McGowen barrels (don't quote me on that), I read that somewhere, and if I think of it tnite, I'll post where to find the material I read. Good luck in the meantime !
You can put on any barrel you want really, it will just need to be threaded, profiled and chambered by a gunsmith. It's also worth noting the factory barrels are torqued on by a gorilla. Even if a pre-threaded, short chambered barrel was out there, you'd still need proper tools to get the barrel off, or a lathe to cut it off.
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