.30-06 150 grain load
First post here! one thing i always like doing is sharing data. I have a older model, (slotted action screws) Tikka T3 lite .30-06. I have worked up a load, that shoots, a 3/8 inch 3 shot group at 100 yards. The recoil is lighter, the report is lighter, but still makes decent velocity for whitetail out to 400 yards (based on my chronograph testing and the usable velocity of my chosen bullet/slug).
Federal brass
CCI LR primer
Varget powder, 50 grains
Hornady 150 grain SST
OAL factory specs, i use this load for 3 different rifles, and load to factory OAL, not custom loads per rifle.
2769 fps, average 10 shots, 35 fps extreme spread.I am very very happy with this load, i'd sure like another 150 fps out of it, but, i'm 100% certain a deer will never notice. shooting out of my T3 it has a very usable recoil, and just plain shoots! according to my manual, 50 grains of varget is higher on the load scale, but not max. (my hornady manual shows a max of 51.6 grains)
as usual, start low, work up.
good luck, and happy shooting!
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