New Tikka owner here, got CTR and Superlite both in 6.5 creed, want to get a wsm as Ive shot both in Mod 70 but not Tikkas
270/300 wsm owners I have 2 questions. 1. Is the barrel contour the same on the lite & the laminated Stainless? Didn't know if it's the barrel or the stock that makes it a lite. 2. Are you pleased with the accuracy of your WSM Tikka Thanks?
whats up with the stupid verification thing, cant ever read the dumb letters ??
TDale,, I have a T3 Lite wsm and I can say it very accurate. Mine is shooting about .5″ groups @ 100yds. ( 3 shot ) and it opens up with continued shots ( more than three ) with hand loads. The barrel heats up too quickly to be more consistent than that, great hunting gun and that's what I use it for. I put a stock and bed job, other than that its all factory items. Great gun, love it but I don't like the availability of brass for reloading. If you don't reload and buy factory ammo then no problem but don't expect a .5″ group either!
I think there is no difference between the laminated and lite other than the stock. Maybe someone else can chime in if they know different.
I am thinking of getting my boy the CTR 6.5 Creedmore 24″ and have a question for you if you know? What is the max OAL cartridge that will fit in the magazine and how does that compare to the length needed for loads ( ogive ) close to the lands? Is there enough room there to work with ELDX type bullets?