Forums › Forums › General Discussion › What does "Brexit"mean for UK shooters?
What does "Brexit"mean for UK shooters?
Posted by Ericbc7 on June 25, 2016 at 1:33 amHi folks,
Do any of our UK or EU shooters have some insight on how leaving the EU will affect Our British friends?J replied 8 years, 6 months ago 5 Members · 17 Replies -
17 Replies
Hi the main difference will be we won't have to have the stupid laws that are trying to get past , like no military looking rifles all the laws that we are going to make are through elected people and not mindless Eurocrats , as far as every thing else it's all good , Germany/ France's governments have been approached by there own Unions and manufacturing centres to get a free trade deal has we import a lot of there cars ,machine tools etc , the only person that says were at the back of the line for a deal is your own president, it's all good has far as I'm concerned ,and we now have our own Independence Day lol
Then Congratulations Larkin! Happy Indepence Day :).
Congrats UK.
The EU politics has gone too far. Centralized shit. -
And i soon have one of my own too : On my/our own property 🙂
I got so pissed of the Swedish/EU politics so i wrote a long e-mail to the Swedish Government and , among other things , asked whether they think a trained Monkey could possibly be a thread as for taking over their sorry “jobs”. I also , very gently – and in a good manner of course , declared the sitting bunch of idiots to …. idiots and asked if there´s any kind of a loop-hole in the Swedish Law that allows me to declare my own estate as a sovereign State. Haven´t got an answer as of yet. I´ll probably have the World renown and superbly effective Swedish “CIA” knocking on my door soon .. 😉 -
Hehe good luck Sir Ville, ethnically I am 1/2 Norwegian & 1/2 Swedish so I can never decide if I should work with the government or fight it…
Thankfully i´m 100% Finnish 🙂 🙂
Lived here since 1992 though.
Hi the back stabbing by the people who wanted to stay has been monumental , the people / areas who have lot of money , except Scotland wanted to stay in , most other areas wanted out , the Scottish Parliament wants to stay in Europe so now they want independence , that great has more of my taxes get spent on / in Scotland than in England , there hole argument dose not seem to work as last time they said they wanted independence they need oil to be at over $100 per barrel it's now between $30 $50 , and we are looking like getting a priminister that's not in the eu's pocket ,
If you look beyond the biased media it's looking really good ,
End of rant -
Hey Larkin, best wishes and let's hope the crazy is limited to the truly “crazy”. (Meaning the currency stabilizes and folks realize that nothing has fundamentally changed with regard to trade)
The £ weak against the $ is great for me has I work in the petrochemical industry and every thing is $ based so are valves have become cheaper for others to buy .
Classic we have start to talk to at least 12 different country's about free trade , the Eu have said that that's against the rules ? Our guys reply what are you going to do about it through us out lol
I'm going to express a minority view that this is not a good thing. Blind optimism that “it will be alright” is based on nothing other than the hope that this will come to pass. The economy is on the way down, the pound is at lower levels against the USD that at any time in the last 30 years, and investment in the UK is down. Scotland will now push for independence, which will save England from having to bankroll it, but will also induce instability and further decrease investment in England from overseas. The areas that voted to leave are the very ones that will suffer the loss of EU funding the most.
As for the impact on gun legislation, I doubt there will be much difference. British politicians are city dwellers with little to no idea what goes on in the countryside. They have an anti-gun agenda that will not be diminished by being out of the EU.
Now, I know our US friends almost universally believe that this is a good thing, but they take a view based on their own politics, geography and Second Amendment rights, which is perfectly understandable, but the world here in Europe is very different. I just served for 3 years with the US Army in Missouri, so I have a good grasp of US views and politics – I'm not being critical at all here; it's just different.
As for me personally, I'm off the New Zealand next month on retirement from the military (Army and Air Force for 23 years). I really hope things work out for the UK, but I fear it will be painful and will take longer than most people think. Still, that is the will of the people, and the die is set.
Sorry if my views don't accord with everyone else, but that's what forums are about. I'm mostly going hunting (with no need for tags and seasons), and I think we can all agree that that is a good thing.
The other view is the FTSE100 is higher than it was before. Firms from all over the world are buying into business and big new contracts have been signed since the vote. Its the best thing the UK could do is leave the EU.
I want to be able to vote for who's in charge not be told. -
Which businesses, and how much does the FTSE effect your day to day life (unless you work in the Stock Exchange)?
The weaker £ against the $ helps the area I work in loads , I work in the petrochemical industry and every thing is $ based making investment in new and existing project cheaper and so more attractive ,
has for the people it will effect most coming out , most working class areas vote out , even in the every short time it might effect them imho , shows how much we wanted out , we want our laws and country run by people that are answerable to us , the voter , has for trade in general the Eu only held us back ,costing businesses £ , one company had to remake it's package for smoke salmon to include in the dicription may contain fish costing a small company £10k's
Don't get me wrong I Has for the people who want another vote because apparently we didn't know what we voted for , WE did and we won the vote so suck it up and move on , the working man / woman has a Brian and we voted with it
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