Tikka Magazine – ongoing problems!!
Hi Everybody,
I sure hope that this mail finds someone at Tikka / Sako that can provide some answers to an ongoing problem. I say ongoing – just look at the numerous discussions on this subject on the internet. I say problem – because that is what it is.
The magazine box provided with the rifle is not designed (read flawed) to accept any handload rounds whereby the bullet can be seated even close to the lands. Taking cognizance of the barrel twist (my 260 Rem) which is 1.8″, it can be argued that a heavier bullet should be used for optimal performance. Having to seat the bullet so far into the brass, to fit in the magazine does not leave enough case capacity to optimally use propellant.
Gee wizz people this is not rocket science!! Just fix your darn magazine!! Why do other engineering companies (i.e Alpha in Australia – modified mag cost $180 Aus ) have to make good what is obviously a bad design on Tikka's side? I believe it is because Tikka want to use the same “size” magazine for numerous calibers thus resulting in some sort of cost saving? Let me tell you that you would be loosing a whole lot more money of unhappy Tikka owners spreading the news due to a minute design problem.
I will be posting this on other forums as well to see if one can get any kinda response from these Tikka tech guys.
If not some collective bargaining strategy's can be followed by everyone complaining to their dealer about this forcing the issue pertaining to latent defects – (Gimme my money back).On the upside – I like my Tikka – which you can view on this forum!
Have a great day!
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