New Here. Tikka T3 30-06 Unbelievable Rifle!
I bought this rifle last January and just got around to sighting it in yesterday. I was really worried that I may have messed up the sub 1″ warranty since I bedded the stock before I shot it! I sighted it in at 100yrds with a premium box of ammo since they guarantee sub MOA accuracy. Only took 5 shots!!!! I reload so didn't want to sight in with a load that may have been a bad one, and blame the rifle. After sighting in, I shot 3 different loads I developed and the third load, even though only 2 shots, was one whole with the bullets overlapping. Incredible! I want to buy 5 more! I'll try to figure out how to post pictures and upload my targets. Looking forward to losing done more ammo to shoot this weekend to make sure it wasn't a fluke.
If anybody reading this is wondering about the accuracy in these rifles, it is as good as it gets, in my experience!
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