Forums › Forums › General Discussion › New member needs info on muzzle diameters › Re: Re: New member needs info on muzzle diameters
6 Bullseyes
Yesterday I started researching for a new rifle in 260. I came across so many threads of how well these Tikka rifles shoot. I came across this forum and joined today. I am wanting to buy either a T3x CTR, Tac, or varmint. I have found the muzzle dia. of the Tac is 22mm. What is the muzzle dia. of the CTR and the varmint? I have spent all morning trying to find a measurement, but have failed to do so. I have been wanting to get a 6.5 cal rifle, and now that I am free for the next couple of months, how better than to get a new rifle and do some shooting.
ThanksThe Varmint and Supervarmint has the 22 mm MD. So , i´m pretty sure , is the case with the CTR as well.