Forums › Forums › General Discussion › T3/T3x/CTR compatibility › Re: Re: T3/T3x/CTR compatibility
Slapped the CTRx stock/dbm on my .22-250 varmint model, and it's running fine so far, with one exception. The bolt doesn't travel back far enough to grab the round if it's seated to the rear of the magazine.
I had heard that GRS ships a different bolt stop with the Bolthorn chassis that allows for an extra 2mm of extra travel, so I threw the calipers on there, and it came out to .080″ on the dot. Looks like GRS knows what they're doing. Unfortunately the factory bolt stop doesn't have enough meat to be cut back that far, so I'll have to get something else, or shim the rear of the magazine to let the round sit that much further forward. Other than that, runs like a champ.
I'm not sure about DogDown's experience as I actually couldn't replicate the problem he had. I'll probably end up getting the actions modified anyway, just to be on the safe side.
Just need another one for my creedmoor now. 🙂