Forums › Forums › Gunsmithing › Steel bottom metal / trigger guard for the T3 ? › Re: Re: Steel bottom metal / trigger guard for the T3 ?
1 Bullseye
The quoted price i have got this far is that if i let them produce 10 pcs or more the price is 226USD/pc. Making only 5pcs (minimum number they will accept) raises the price to 250usd/pc.
Then it is in the white and will need som sanding/smoothing to proper finish before bluing.
Have one more person that is going to check with friends, if we get 5 people in on it i will let them make that as a first series, then i can post pictures of a finished product instead of just ideas. really hoping i can find 3 more people interested, at least we will have a unique thing on our rifles if nothing less.