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All good advice above…but the only thing I would add, just speaking from experience… if you plan on using the rifle for primarily target shooting and occasional hunting I would upgrade the rings for repeated range use. The factory rings are hit or miss with rifles in the 30cal category. I personally have had 2 sets fail or not hold zero so I just stopped trying to work with them. not too many bad experiences with smaller cals…
The cheapest, best mounting solution I have found is from DNZ…it would serve you well for both range and hunting situations…you can most likely get away with using a low mount with a 44mm objective to bring the scope as low as possible to the bore as mentioned above. scope you have chosen is a great scope and probably the best magnification you can buy for hunting…I have a 2.5 x 10 Prostaff5 on one of my 308's and it a great bush gun for whitetail hunting. No issues with close shots, and comfortable out to 400 yards on deer size targets.
At some point you will want more magnification…I guarantee it!